I remember sitting in one of my very first executive board rooms and the thoughts rushed at me like a wave: being so grateful for the chance to be in the room, being inspired to have a voice that is heard, and being eager to ensure that I leave this door wide open for those who come after me. It was not until a few years had passed in my professional career when I began to see that in most cases, there is a glass ceiling. The archetypes continue to define and place labels on womxn.
From an investment perspective, only 2% of venture capital dollars were attributed to female founders. Nevertheless, 40% of US businesses are female founded and over 50% of US female-founded businesses are led by women of color. We hear you. We are fighting for you. And we will not stop because our future generations depend on the choices we make today.
To continue investing in female founded, female led businesses through SPVs
To continue our recruitment network with the goal of placing more womxn in c-level positions
To continue our mentorship program for new entrepreneurs to learn from womxn executives
To work with portfolio companies in establishing equitable hiring and development plans
To offer flexible work schedules and family-friendly policies, allowing work-life balance